Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

KfW Stories

experience one
(former nolte & lauth)
lead ux design

KfW Stories - an online magazine about people and countries of the world that have almost been forgotten.

Where we started

KfW promotes and supports projects worldwide – always keeping a close eye on social aspects. From national parks in Africa, to solar plants in Mexico and start-ups in Germany, to small farmers in Vietnam. KfW not only provides the financial resources, but also advises, helps with implementation and supervises these projects.


Hardly anyone knows that KfW sets up such projects. As the world’s largest national promotional bank, the stories behind its products have always been unknown.
There was no bundling of editorial content reporting on KfW’s projects worldwide. The old CMS did not allow for contemporary integration or even staging of multimedia content. APIs were only partially available. The values and range of KfW’s funding options were not sufficiently communicated. Content curation accompanying the project was expandable.


Improve KfW’s likeability and image, increase relevance and awareness while communicating KfW’s values, reaching multipliers and decision-makers.

Methods and approach

Target group interviews, the creation of personae and the close exchange with KfW’s editorial team helped us to better understand the target groups. The joint development of the target matrix and vision with the client was a decision-making aid for us at every stage of the platform development. They formed a decision-making aid of a good and powerful cooperation.
An extensive content audit followed by content strategy and planning paved the way for a solid content structure. Thus, we developed a user-friendly navigation concept that has passed the UX tests to date. The creation of sitemaps, wireframes, the specification of page and module types, as well as the development of prototypes helped us to design a perfect platform for KfW’s stories.
We were able to give concrete measures for content production and recommendations for content management. Editorial guidelines helped to ensure that CI, modules and page types were always used in a targeted manner, even in the editorial process.


A digital platform that tells the unique stories behind KfW – engaging, entertaining, always up-to-date, with films, reports, interviews and statements from the very people who are making a difference in the world. Stories from all over the world about inventors, builders, about people in the light and people in the shade.